International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 2007, 7, 641-659

Effects of the Youth Fit For Life protocol on physiological, mood, self-appraisal, and voluntary physical actitivity changes in African American preadolescents: Contrasting alter-school care and physical education formats
James J. Annesi, Avery D. Faigenbaum, Wayne L. Westcott, Alice E. Smith, Jennifer L. Unruh, and Franklin G. Hamilton

Effects of the Youth Fit For Life protocol on physiological, mood, self-appraisal, and voluntary physical actitivity changes in African American preadolescents: Contrasting alter-school care and physical education formats Descargar artículo completo en formato PDF.


Palabras Clave:
Actividad física. Auto-valoración. Estado de ánimo. Preadolescentes. Estudio experimental.

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- Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC)
© International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology.