Nota editorial


It has been brought to the attention of the International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 's publisher that the paper appearing in the IJCHP, 2005, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 373-383, by Eugenio Quiroz Rothe et al, entitled "From Kids and Horses: Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy for Children," was substantially copied, without permission or attribution, from Susan M. Taylor's masters thesis, which is available on Ms. Taylor's website at

In addition, Ms. Taylor's citations were inaccurately copied by Rothe et al. Mr. Rothe et al enormously regret this incident, and hereby retract the Rothe et al paper, and apologize to Susan M. Taylor and to the IJCHP's readers. Those in the field are encouraged to view Ms. Taylor's thesis on her website in order to obtain accurate information.


Tal como se indica claramente en las Normas para los autores de International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, las opiniones y contenidos de los artículos publicados en la misma son de responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores, responsabilizándose éstos de obtener el permiso correspondiente para incluir material publicado en algún otro lugar, por lo que los únicos responsables de este desagradable incidente son los autores del artículo citado (Eugenio Quiroz Rothe, Beatriz Jiménez Vega, Rafael Mazo Torres, Silvia María Campos Soler y Rosa María Molina Pazos), a quienes no se les permitirá publicar en dicha revista en el futuro.

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- Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC)
© International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology.